04. Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Still don’t think keyboard shortcuts are a big deal? Let’s put them to the test! For this quiz, you'll be competing against yourself in a timed challenge to see how fast you can type with and without keyboard shortcuts. Since this is a timed challenge, you'll need to have a stopwatch ⏰ . If you have a smart phone, it should come with stopwatch feature, but if not, use this link to use Google's stopwatch.

How to Complete this Exercise

  1. Download the files start.html and finish.html from this link.
  2. Open start.html and finish.html with your favorite code editor, and place them side-by-side.
  • If you have two monitors, you can do this split-screen.
  • If you're using Sublime set your layout to two columns by navigating to View → Layout → Columns: 2.
  • If you're using Atom, add another pane by navigating to View → Panes → Split Left or View → Panes → Split Right.
  • If your screen is not big enough, print out finish.html and open start.html in your text editor.
  1. Using only your keyboard, but no keyboard shortcuts, edit start.html to match finish.html exactly. Make sure to time yourself to see how long it takes. When you're finished, record your time (in seconds).
  2. Repeat Step 3, but this time, use keyboard shortcuts. Again, make sure to time yourself and record your time (again, in seconds) once you're done.
  3. Compare your best times with and without keyboard shortcuts.

Remember, only use your keyboard! Don’t just copy and paste the code from the second file (that would be cheating!)

Feel free to complete the challenge as many as times as you'd like to improve your time. Have fun!

Without Keyboard Shortcuts


What was your best time (in seconds) without using keyboard shortcuts?


Not too bad!

With Keyboard Shortcuts


What was your best time (in seconds) with keyboard shortcuts?


Well done!


Here's how using keyboard shortcuts impacted our workflow!

Keyboard Shortcuts